Урок №35 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Lis­ten to this conversation.
A — Car­los, I’m sor­ry, but I have to leave now.
B — Real­ly? Why?
A — I’m going into town. Tonight I’m going to see a friend. And I’d like to buy some wine for him.
B — Which friend?
A — I don’t think you know him. His name is Bill Richardson.
B — Oh, I know Bill. He’s a friend of mine too.

There’s a friend of mine.

What’s his name?

His name is Charles Johnson.

What’s your name?

My name’s Rosa Martinez.

What did you do today?

I saw the city.

And I bought a lot of things.

Too many things.

I spoke a lot of English.

Have you been to Washington?

Not yet.

I haven’t been to Wash­ing­ton yet.

I haven’t seen Wash­ing­ton yet.

And you?

Have you seen the White House?

Not yet.

I haven’t seen the White House yet.

Wash­ing­ton isn’t a big city.

Good-bye, see you tomorrow.

Do you have a lot of work today?

Yes, I do.

I still have a lot of work.

I still have

«Yet» — если нужно сказать «до сих пор».

«Still» — означает, что какое-то событие все еще происходит.

I still have a lot of work.

And tomor­row

I have to go into town.

So do I.


I still have a lot of work.

Have you seen Car­los Montero?

Have you seen him?

Yes, I saw him yesterday.

He’s a friend of mine.

His name.

His wife.

His wife is Colombian.

I know him.

But I don’t know his wife.

I think she is Colombian.

But he is Mexican.

His fam­i­ly.

His fam­i­ly still lives in Mexico.

Have you been to Mexico?

No, I haven’t.


I haven’t been there yet.

Do you have time?

Do you have time for coffee?

I have a lit­tle time.

But unfor­tu­nate­ly

I don’t have much time.

I have to go into town later.

I’m going to see a friend of mine.

His name is Pedro Lopez.

He’s here with his old­er daughter.

The younger one is still in Mexico.

The younger one is still in Mexico.

Are you going to see your friend today?

Yes, and I saw him yes­ter­day too.

We went into town.

And we ate at his hotel.

He spoke Span­ish with the waiter.

But I didn’t see his daughter.

I haven’t seen his daugh­ter yet.

I have a lit­tle time now.

I have time for coffee.

Fine, so do I.

Me too.

Me too.


I’m going to see a friend of mine.

She is Colombian.

A glass of wine.

A glass of wine.

What would you like to drink?

Would you like a glass of wine?

Yes, I would.

Yes, thanks, I would.

Me too.

I’d like a glass of wine too.

Where’s the waiter?

Would you like red wine?

Would you like red wine?

Or white wine?

Do you still like red wine?

Or would you like white wine?

No, I’d like red wine.

I always drink red wine.


And I always drink white wine.

A glass of red wine, please.

And a glass of white wine.

I nev­er drink red wine.

I always drink white wine.

And I nev­er drink beer.

I always drink wine or coffee.

So do I.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly I have to leave now.

Me too.

I have to go into town.

I’m going to see me friend.

I haven’t seen him since yesterday.

See you later.

Do you have time for coffee?

Or a glass of wine?

A glass of wine? Why not?

Would you like red wine or white wine?

I’d like a glass of red wine and you?

I nev­er drink red wine.

I’m going to have white wine.

Have you been to Boston?

Yes, I went there with my wife.

What time is it?

It’s not late yet.

It’s six o’clock.

The stores are still open.

Then we have time.

We have time for a sec­ond glass of wine.

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Пимслер Урок 35


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