Урок №36 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

Начинаем тридцать шестой урок из второго курса по методу доктора Пимслера американский английский язык для русcкоговорящих.

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Lis­ten to this conversation.
A — Maria, do you have time for coffee?
B — Yes, I do. Where do you want to go?
A — Do you know the Gar­den cafe?
B — No, I don’t. Where is it?
A — On Park Avenue, that’s not too far.
B — All right, but I don’t have much time. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I still have a lot of work.
A — That’s ok. So do I.

Do you have time for coffee?

Or a glass of wine?

A glass of wine? All right.

Do you still drink red wine?

Yes, I always drink red wine.

I don’t like white wine.

And I nev­er drink beer.

But I like red wine.

Me too.

Do you still have a lot of work?

No, not always.

I don’t have much work today.

I don’t have much work today.

Do you have time for coffee?

I always have time for coffee.

But today I don’t have much time.

I don’t have much time.


Unfor­tu­nate­ly I have to leave a two o’clock

A friend of mine is coming.

A friend of mine is com­ing today.

To vis­it

A friend of mine is com­ing to visit.

«I’m going to Boston tomorrow».

A friend of mine is com­ing to visit.


A col­league of mine is com­ing to visit.

She’s com­ing to visit.

Is she com­ing alone?

No, she’s com­ing with her husband.

No, she’s com­ing with her husband.

They’re not here yet.

But they are com­ing today.

My col­league and her husband

Are com­ing to visit

Your col­league

A col­league of yours.

A col­league of yours is com­ing to visit?

Yes, her daugh­ter still lives here.

And she wants to see her daughter.

From Mex­i­co.

My col­league is from Mexico.

Who’s your colleague?

What’s her name?

You don’t know her.

You don’t know her.

Her name is Ele­na Tores.

She’s from Mexico.

She’s com­ing to vis­it today.

I know Elena.

I know her.

She lives in Boston.

Her hus­band is Colombian.

You don’t know my colleague.

You don’t know her.

My col­league is from Mexico.

And her hus­band is Mex­i­can too.

His name is Pedro Torez.

She isn’t Amer­i­can and he isn’t Columbian.

A year.

For a year.

I haven’t seen my col­league for a year.

And I haven’t seen her husband.

For two years.

But I think he’s com­ing today.

With my colleague.

I haven’t seen my colleague.

For a year.

But I saw her daughter.

Yes­ter­day morning.

Do you have time now?

Do you have time for coffee?

Or a glass of wine?

I nev­er drink wine.

But I’d like some coffee.

I always have time for coffee.

So do I.

Why don’t we go to the Gar­den cafe?

Why don’t we go?

to the Gar­den cafe

Why don’t we go to the Gar­den cafe?

Have you been there?

Not yet.

I haven’t been there yet.

Where is the Gar­den cafe?

It’s not too far.

You have to go into town, don’t you?

Then why don’t we go

Why don’t we go to the Gar­den cafe?

We can have some coffee.

Or a glass of wine.

You know, I nev­er drink wine.

But I would like some coffee.

Me too.

How are you?

Fine, thanks. And you?

I’m fine too. Thanks.

Mr. Romirez, you are from Mex­i­co, aren’t you?

Yes, my wife and I live in Guadalajara.

Have you been to Mexico?

Yes, but unfortunately

I haven’t been there

For a few years.

A glass of red wine, please.

And I’d like a beer.

A beer and a glass of red wine, please.

There’s a col­league of mine.

A col­league of yours?

Her name is Susan Davis

She is from Boston.

I haven’t seen her for a year.

I’m sor­ry, but I have to leave now.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly I have to go into town.

And then

A friend of mine is com­ing to visit.

Why don’t we have dinner?

Do you know the Park Avenue restaurant?

No, I don’t.

It’s a good restaurant.

And it’s not too expensive.

All right, then tonight at sev­en o’clock at the Park Avenue restaurant.

Ok, see you tonight.

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Пимслер Урок 36


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Комментарии: 6
  1. Аватар

    Тысячу раз спасибо .Общаюсь благодаря вам на английском . Начинала совсем с нуля . Даже буквы не знала . Надо слушать и повторять каждый день .самые лучшие уроки на вселенной .пробовала кучу других . А времена подучила у Петрова за один первый урок . Пимслер самый лучший .

    1. Аватар

      Рады стараться! благодаря вам мы идем вперед!

  2. Аватар

    Благодарна Вам очень. Я на 36 уроке. Начала говорить, не пропало желание продолжать учить язык.

  3. Аватар

    You have to go into town, don’t you? неправильно вместо do not you haven‘t you

  4. Аватар

    Желание очень большое,я на 38 уроке,очень интересно,незнаю как покажет на практике,но мне легко дается етот курс,начинала с вами,незная ни одного слова,спасибр Вам большое заранее,итог надеюсь скоро напишу;)

  5. Аватар

    Изучаю с удовольствием, особых затруднений не испытываю, главное систематичность

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