Урок №32 Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера

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Lis­ten to this conversation.
Mrs. John­son is speak­ing with Mrs. Montero.

J — Mrs. Mon­tero, would you like to have lunch with my wife and me?
M — Thanks, but ate at the hotel with my daugh­ter. The restau­rant there is very good.
J — Which daugh­ter? The old­er one?
M — Yes, Maria. She lives here in New York now.
J — She speaks Eng­lish, doesn’t she?
M — Yes, she does. She lives with some Amer­i­can friends and she speaks Eng­lish very well.

When did you arrive?

Yes­ter­day morning.

We arrived yes­ter­day morning.


This morn­ing.

I arrived this morning.

What did you do this morning?

Did you buy anything?

No, I didn’t buy anything.

I didn’t want anything.

And I didn’t buy anything.

I didn’t buy any­thing this morning.


Why are you here in New York?

Do you have friends here?

You have friends here, don’t you?

No, I’m in New York


I’m going to work here.

for a few weeks.

I didn’t work this morning.

But I think, I’m going to work.

Tomor­row morning


Are you here alone?


Say that you are here with your wife.
I’m here with my wife.

I’m not here alone

We are going to stay here.

for a few days


And then

my wife is going to Washington

my wife is going to Wash­ing­ton alone

she wants to see our daughter

The old­er one?

Or the younger one?

The old­er one or the younger one?
The old­er one or the younger one?

The younger one.

We bought a lot of things

for our younger daughter

and today

we are going to buy a car

A car?

Say that cars are very expensive.
Cars are very expensive.

I know

but we need a car

We need a car or our daughter

Your younger daughter?

no, the old­er one

She lives alone

and she needs a car

She lives in Boston, doesn’t she?

Yes, she does.

But she is here with us now

We ate with her

this morn­ing

and tonight

we’re going to have dinner

Our son

We’re going to have din­ner with our son.

at a good restaurant

Your son lives in Boston, doesn’t he?

Yes our son lives in Boston.

And our daugh­ter lives there too.

Which daugh­ter?

The old­er one

Our younger daughter

Our younger daugh­ter lives in Washington.

Our son arrived

Our son arrived in New York yesterday.

He arrived last night.

When did he arrive?

He arrived last night.

at eleven o’clock

Say that it’s very late.
That’s very late.

Say that you know.
I know.

We didn’t see our son last night.

Because he arrived too late.

and he’s going to leave

tomor­row night


He wants to go

He wants to go to Philadelphia.

He wants to go to Philadelphia.

Is he going alone?

No, he isn’t.

A friend is going with him.

They are going to Philadel­phia tomorrow.

We went

We went to Philadelphia.

We went to Philadel­phia yesterday.

Where did you go?

We went to Philadelphia.

Our son wants to go there tomorrow.

We went there yesterday.

Did you have din­ner there?

Yes we did.

We ate with some friends.

At a good restaurant.

Did you speak Eng­lish with your friends?

No, we didn’t.

You like Philadel­phia, don’t you?

Yes, I like Philadel­phia very much.

We went to Philadel­phia yesterday.

And our son wants to go there.


He arrived in New York last night.

and tomor­row

he wants to go to Philadelphia

Our younger daughter.

Our younger daugh­ter is in Washington.

and our old­er daughter

Our old­er daugh­ter is going to Boston.


She likes Boston, doesn’t she?

Yes, she likes Boston very much.

She ate with us.

This morn­ing.

We ate at a good restaurant.

On East 52nd Street.

We’re going to eat there tonight too.

It’s very good.

And not too expensive.

Would you like to eat there with us tonight?

Yes, I would.

Yes, thanks. I would.

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Пимслер Урок 32


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